Glass Museum Nový Bor presents the new outcomes of IGS 2015. The youngest generation of artists introduce itself in Students Section at IGS 2015. Seven students from four universities, one college and two high schools have applied to participate. It will be open at the Glass Museum in Nový Bor till next year’s spring.
foto: Kolektiv ateliers, www.kolektiv.cz
International Glass Symposium IGS is one of the most important creative world events in the art glass field, and without question the greatest one in size. Its ongoing tradition started in 1982, when glass artists came together for the first time with the glass craftsmen in Crystalex in Nový Bor to exchange experience and to get to know each other in a friendly, collegial and creative environment. Since then symposium has been held every three years. It has hosted several hundreds of artists from the whole world. Transformation and changes that have been happening in glassmaking in the Czech Republic over the last 25 years have naturally affected IGS in character as well. Over the last few symposium years it has been organized not only by Crystalex, but also by many other entities, including production ones, each of which offers a different work method and a unique atmosphere. The Town of Nový Bor is the main organizer, as for several times before. Through the IGS secretariat, and in cooperation with the Glass Museum in Nový Bor and Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, it secures everything necessary for a successful course of the symposium. More about symposium here
The exhibition will be open on the 4th. October 2015 in 11 hour.